Monday, April 18, 2011

My 400 closest friends (a little Facebook update)

     Well Hello loyal listeners. I bet by now you had thought I had totally forgotten about this blogging thing. Well, I haven't truth is I have wanted to take time and come to this tranquil oasis to unload my mind of the crushing weight of my thoughts. The problem has come to be that well, I just didn't know what to say.It makes me relate to that old term "pimpn' ain't easy". Well, neither is blogging.
     I mean I could get in here and start rambling on about all the different things that are going on in my life, be they good bad or indifferent. But, if you wanted to know that, you would just check out on facebook to see how I am doing. Of course, it isn't like I am going to go into great detail regarding my life with 400 of my closest friends. Matter of fact, my facebook status today was "You may not be expecting this, but there has never been a left handed pope. I bet their pitching lineup is rather weak.....". Rivetting revelation there isn't it?
     Since I am in-advertently on the topic of facebook, let's see some of the other earth shattering news I can garner from my 400 friends that find me socially acceptable enough to be publicly acknowledge my existence.
One friend has a status saying "now open on Sundays" with a picture of a quaint church. I feel absolutely assured that this is supposed to be some from of tongue-in-cheek humor, because this friend is not one of those religious preachy facebook friends.
     One female friend is looking for a SNAP BACK Houston Astros baseball cap for her son. She was even considerate enough to put a photo of said hat along with her request. One of my friends has 5 new friends, and 13 of my friends have recently changed their profile pictures.
     That is probably enough direct quoting off of my facebook page because I do not want to upset anyone that may stumble upon this (that I know). Facebook really is a good thing. I mean for well over a year, it gave me the opportunity to post song lyrics to express my mood to a bunch of people that could care less is I were in a Good :) mood, a drowning myself in a vat of acid mood :(, or an I have just given all of my worldly possessions to Commander Ziff and will now live in his commune in North Dakota kind of mood. But, while these faceless masses did not care about those things, they did seem to take some pleasure in trying to figure out some of the song choices that I was offering up. Plus, it was very entertaining to see the different ads that facebook would then place on my page (customized just for me of course). Also, I don't think I could ever work the word anthropomorphic into a sentence on my own. And just in case you are wondering, what song contains the word anthropomorphic, I present it here for your pleasure Anthropomorphic humor in song form.
     Well, I seemed to have written a good bit of fluff here about basically nothing, and I have absolutely no idea how to end this masterful work. So, I think I will just fade out, and go play Farmville or some such nonsensical game. Oh and by the way, I don't have farmville, mafia wars, asshole ascension, or any of those other games that facebookers want to keep sending me updates on, but I am sure that topic has been blogged to death already........

Hope you have a groovy day

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